Letter From the Owner
“It's not about perfect. It's about effort. And when you bring that effort every single day, that's where transformation happens. That's how change occurs.”
Jillian Michaels
Happy seventh anniversary, Prodigy family!! Seven years: Seven tryouts, seven minicamps, seven first practices, seven season openers…seven years of expectation, pre-game jitters, post-game celebrations and frustrations. Seven years of watching my wildest dreams play out right in front of me by a cast of seven years’ worth of the most fearless people I’ve ever known.
When I think back, what strikes me the most is the EFFORT it took to get here. We had to work hard to start the team, and even harder to sustain it and make it a fixture in the District. With more than one team within striking distance, that has been no easy feat. It took effort—the kinds you can see, like time, money, and hard physical work, and the kinds you can’t, like mental toughness, unwavering passion, loyalty, adaptability, and a resistance to doubt and fear. All of that effort has created a strong sense of family and pride that oozes from each of us. When people tell me that they can see something special about our team, it fills my heart up.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank all of you because I know that you are 100% a part of that “something special.” Whether you have been constant companions on this seven-year journey with us, or if you have just joined the family, you are the reason we’ve been able to grow and succeed. Your effort is reflected in everything we do, on and off the field. Because of you we are seven years strong, and can’t wait to celebrate more anniversaries.
Here’s to a successful seventh season.
Tiffany Matthews,
Washington Prodigy